
You can now modify Taxonomy columns using the same methods as you would for a PostType. For example:

use PostTypes\Taxonomy;

// Create a taxonomy.
$genres = new Taxonomy( 'genre' );

// Add a column to the taxonomy admin table.
$genres->columns()->add( [
	'popularity' => __( 'Popularity' ),
] );

// Register the taxonomy to WordPress.

Add Columns

To add columns to the admin edit screen pass an array of column slugs and labels to the add() method.

// Add columns and set their labels.
$genres->columns()->add( [
    'popularity' => __( 'Popularity' ),
] );

Hide Columns

To hide columns pass the column slug to the hide() method. For multiple columns pass an array of column slugs.

$genres->columns()->hide( 'description' );

Column Order

To rearrange columns pass an array of column slugs and position to the order() method. Only columns you want to reorder need to be set, not all columns. Positions are based on a zero based index.

$genres->columns()->order( [
    'popularity' => 2,
] );

Set Columns

To set all columns to display pass an array of the column slugs and labels to the set() method. This overrides any other configuration set by the methods above.

$genres->columns()->set( [
    'cb'          => '<input type="checkbox" />',
    'name'        => __( 'Name' ),
    'description' => __( 'Description' ),
    'slug'        => __( 'Slug' ),
    'popularity'  => __( 'Popularity' ),
] );

Populate Columns

To populate any column use the populate() method, by passing the column slug and a callback function.

Taxonomy columns work differently to post type columns. The callback receives 3 arguments, the columns content, the column name and the term ID. Also, the hook used is a filter, so the column value must be returned.

$genres->columns()->populate( 'popularity', function ( $content, $column, $term_id ) {
    return get_term_meta( $term_id, 'popularity', true );
} );

Sortable Columns

To define which custom columns are sortable use the sortable() method. This method accepts an array of column slugs and an array of sorting options.

The first option is the term meta_key to sort the columns by.

The second option is how the items are ordered, either numerically (true) or alphabetically (false) by default.

// Make both the price and rating columns sortable and ordered numerically.
$genres->columns()->sortable( [
    'popularity'  => [ 'popularity', true ],
] );

Last updated