

Since 2.0 the translation() method has been removed. You can translate any labels and names when you assign them to the PostType or Taxonomy. It was removed to provide more control to the developer while encouraging best practices around internationalizing plugins and themes set out by WordPress.

// Translating the post types plural and singular names.
$books = new PostType( [
    'name'     => 'book',
    'singular' => __( 'Book', 'YOUR_TEXTDOMAIN' ),
    'plural'   => __( 'Books', 'YOUR_TEXTDOMAIN' ),
    'slug'     => 'books',
] );

// Translating labels.
$books->labels( [
    'add_new_item' => __( 'Add new Book', 'YOUR_TEXTDOMAIN' ),
] );

Custom Fields

The class has no methods for making custom fields for post types, use Advanced Custom Fields.


The books example used in the can be found in examples/books.php.

Last updated